Sunday, February 3, 2008

Nerdy McDorkerton...Right here!

Before I go on about my weekend awesomeness, let's have a little bit of music this fine Sunday morning!

1. Another one Bites the Dust--Queen
Is there anybody more fierce than Freddy Mercury??? He makes shooting up the place sound zexy and vamp.

2. Into the Groove--Madonna
Not one of my Madge faves, but it's danceable. I just remember when Kids Incorporated did this song in 1987 they had to change the lyrics because it was "racy" hehehehe.

3. Pretty Fly for a White Guy-- The Offspring
I don't know why I have this song on the ol' Ipod. It's cheeky and fun enough though. Their sound is a bit grating to me...

4. The trouble with love is--- Kelly Clarkson
Awww. Kelly before she got all fat and crazy. Good song, you can tell she didn't write it.

5. Lonestar---Norah Jones
LOVE Norah Jones. This song to me is the quintessential campfire song.

Ok onto the news of the day.

So with the family being gone yesterday I had the opportunity to actually DO something last night and sleep in this morning. Did I???


After spending the whole day annoying Jenny about whether I should go shopping after work, go out for drinks, or stay hope and get some rest, I decided to stay home. I got a good bottle of merlot and was going to order our some awesome expensive take-out from Chinns.

So I get home, settle down to place my order, and as I'm selecting my Blue Points and Ahi, the 2nd glass of Merlot kicked in and I was like "why am I going to spend $60 on dinner when I have perfectly good french fries and chicken nuggets in the freezer?"

Yes, I am a loser.

Popped the frozen goodness in the oven, and in looking at the browser history on the 'puter this morning, you can tell that as the Merlot flowed, my surfing choices got stranger and stranger. Long story short, I somehow ended up on the Church of Scientology's website. I know! Now all of the Thetans are gonna be pounding on my door trying to get me to drink Vitamin Water and worship Tom Cruise. How the hell am I gonna explain THAT to Fugs???

So after freaking myself out with that, I sat down with the uber awesome cuisine I cooked for myself and decided to rent a movie. I rented Superbad. So there's me. Snarfing kiddie food, drinking wine, and watching a teen comedy, in bed by 8:58pm on the first night I've had to myself in months.

If you want to hang out with this kind of awesomeness next time, the line forms over there.

Well, gotta get ready to go to work. Time for me to help rich people explore their bad taste in furniture. I love it when they ask for my opinion... they don't know I worship at the house of IKEA.

Hapy Superbowl Sunday! Go Giants!

See, I think I am genius and should have my own 1-hour cable news show. For God's Sake GERALDO is on the air still. But since even Fox News isn't calling I'll just spew the commentary and the awesomeness here...