Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy humper y'all!

What up mon homies? Before I begin with the day's news let me give you today's soundtrack...

1. Gone 'till November--Wyclef Jean feat. R. Kelly
Such a pretty song about being a drug dealer.
2. I'm Real-- J.Lo feat. Ja Rule
Everyone knows I'm mad for the girl. And really this is the only song that I can tolerate with Ja Rule in it.
3. Rock DJ-- Robbie Williams
I'll never understand why Robbie isn't a bigger deal here in the states. Song and lyrics are brillz in this.
4. Fast as You Can-- Fiona Apple
Again the madness that was my music taste in the 90's. She just sounds so pretentious to me now.
5. Maneater-- Nelly Furtado
The song that just makes me want to be vamp. Work it. Walk. Pose.

Weather report:
Colder than shit. Chicago weather sucks donkey balls. I am getting so serious about the move to O.C. that I have even started looking for jobs just to see what the market will be like when I'm done with school. At this point I'll divorce Fugs and move out there myself since I don't see him wanting to go anywhere. He keeps throwing down Florida, but I want an upgrade. I'm not interested in MORE hillbillies and swamps in my life. I am not at all surprised that more people kill themselves in January than in any other month.

Political News:
So Edwards and Guiliani are out. I like John Edwards, except for the fact he parades his dying wife around the country. She looks awful. I feel terrible for her, I really do. That's love. I wouldn't campaign for Fugs with a hangnail.
And after that Guiliani article I read in Vanity Fair last month, I could not be happier that he is out of the picture. I encourage you to read it . I can't imagine the masses were privvy to the info in this article, but we do not need a man like that in office. Let him keep waving his 9/11 flag as high as he can charging 200K for speaking engagements around the country.
This leaves me with McCain and Obama. Go ahead and disagree with me, because quite frankly, I disagree with myself. Hilary Clinton frightens me. There is just something so abrasive and scary about her but I can only back it up with feeling. I can't say that any of her politics particularly offend me, but my gut says, yikes! I respect the hell out of John McCain. I appreciate his honesty, even if it shoots him in the foot sometimes. And really, who IS an expert on the economy?? That's what you hire experts for.
Obama is just inspirational. I think this country really needs a rally. Let's believe in something. I want to be inspired, I want to see the youth inspired I want this country to have a new energy.
So I'm torn. Let's see how Super Tuesday shakes out. By then I hopefully will have my mind made up. But in Chicago you can vote as much as you want, right???

Superbowl Sunday: I'll be working, so who cares? Really I want Dopey to beat Bad Babydaddy SO BAD!!! I despise Tom Brady. Ickity Ick Ick Ick.

"Commit to the Indian" As 1/16 Blackfoot with 1/24 Blackfoot --Cherokee Children (Control your laughter people) I find that slogan offensive. People want to adopt THAT but demand that U of I get rid of the Illini logo and Chief Illiniwek??? Lame.

oooh! Shane Keough is coming to play for the Kane County Cougars! I am so going to heckle him.

The Bulls still suck.

Celebrity News:
Britney-- Intervention! Not going to happen. No Way. I still can't figure this girl out. I think that's why I'm SO fascinated by her. It's hard to know which way is up when you're circling the drain. Whatever you think of her, she's someones mom, sister, and daughter.

I am so sick of Paris Hilton being famous. People forget she is famous for letting a guy pee on her. And now Macy's is going to peddle her ugly ass shoes! Get real!

Superior Mother Goddess Gwen Stefani is preggers! Yay! She is SO fierce.

Tom Cruise is still bat-shit crazazy. I'm all for passion in what you believe, but wasn't Scientology started on a bet? I heard Ol' L. Ron bet his other writing buddy that he could start a religion and get people to follow it.

On the homefront:
I've been neglecting blogger lately. I'm all caught up with the Moms over at Cafe Mom...I know that is SO cool! Nerdy McNerdnerd right here folks. f you want to catch up on my life over there past 6 weeks please by all means go there and ead THAT hot mess of a blog. You'll laugh your heinie off.
Itty Bitty's birthday was yesterday. We're gonna do the whole party thing on Friday. Then The three of them are going to Farton for the weekend, and I'll get to be home alone!!! Woo-hoo! Ice Cream, bad reality TV and alcohol!

Well peeps, that's enough for right now...

1 comment:

ummmhello said...

So random it's almost cohesive!

See, I think I am genius and should have my own 1-hour cable news show. For God's Sake GERALDO is on the air still. But since even Fox News isn't calling I'll just spew the commentary and the awesomeness here...